quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013

The oil river

There is a place in my town visited by many students of the local school that is called the "oil river".
The place is hidden , and, as the name suggests, its a river of oil surrounded by tall trees that cover up the sunlight. The trees are adorned with dolls,old dolls, hanged by their necks.Some of them missing their eyes and  limbs...
As a kid, i used to visit that place,but i wasn't really freaked out about the things i saw there, we would just go there to get away from school and have fun and throw rocks at the black oil and hoped over it.
After a few years,i moved to a different school and never set foot on that place again...that is, until i met my best friend Josh and we started to remissness about that place...
He took me back there one day, this time adults, and we felt some really weird vibes there... The dolls almost carved holes on our necks with their dead stare...
Josh and i sat down, and started talking.
We started talking about our childhood and just joking around as usual, until something caught my eye.
- Okay,dude, did u see that thing?
- Seriously, are you that high already? - said Josh laughing his ass off
- Stop fucking around dude, i saw a...thing... moving... lets get the fuck out of here
- Don't be such a fucking pussy Mike, probably just a black guy admiring our lighter skin tone
- Wow dude...that was racist...and funny...and probably true
After that racial insensitive joke, we just laughed and shrugged it of like it was nothing and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.
A few hours later, i stoped by his house after dinner and we started searching the web for random shit like, pikatchu on acid or a good Lil Wayne song.
We failed to find the song.
So, eventually, Josh and i started to search the web about that place...
We found out that it was not just a simple waste dumping ground, it was also a ritual spot...
Several sightings of groups of people covered in dark robes were described, and one sighting was the most unusual, and i got to be a part of...
That sighting was that in a night of winter, the day after Christmas, there was a march of black robed people in my streets, with a woman singing a very sad sad song...
One of my friends that lives near me taped that song and rewound it only to hear the same woman screaming   in pain...
Apparently these people all went back to that river to leave an altar and vanish...
- We gotta go check that out dude... - said Josh with an exited smile on his face
- Josh,seriously? its all just bullshit and we are probably just gonna get there and get jumped by 20 niggers...
- Yeh right, cuz they love hanging out by a river filled with oil at night, nice fucking logic.
- Sure, whatever lets go.
So we got our flashlights and moved there...oh how i wished we would just stay home...
When we got to the entrance, we found a man,smoking a cigarette and walking his dog
- Where are you kids going? - said the man in a harsh, tired voice
- Oh, we are just passing by, there are some friends waiting for us on the other side - said Josh in a hurry
- Its dangerous to go to these parts at this time of night
- Don't worry sir, we can handle ourselves fine.
- Don't say i didn't warn 'ya...
The man than walked away with a grin on his face.
- Okay,what the fuck did he mean by that?!
- He's just an old fuck, forget him - said josh as he pushed me forward
We kept entering the place flashlights in hand,walking deeper into the darkness...
The air grew thin and cold, fog started to appear seemingly out of nowhere...and in the middle of the mist and darkness,stood an old looking mirror.
- Okay,Josh, that wasn't there when we were here earlier
- Mike, pull your shit together  for fucks sake.
- No Josh, YOU pull your shit together, first the old guy, now this, do you think this is a fucking game?! - I stared to get angry at Josh for his recklessness - Just turn back, lets go home, there is someone here and its not niggers!
- Listen, there is nothing here except some hormone filled goth kids doing their mumbo jumbo, plus, we are two testosterone pumped motherfuckers and i love a fight, what are they gonna do? Cut themselves until we pass out from boredom?
- Yeah? look at the fucking mirror asshole
As he looked at the mirror his skin turned pale...
-What the...
The mirror had a message carved on its glass saying "Welcome my friends"
They...whatever or whoever "they" were, were waiting for us... "they" knew we would come here tonight... "they" were expecting us...
We felt shivers on our spines, we were afraid as fuck, too scared to move... but when we shined our lights forward... "They" were surrounding us... People in black robes... at least 20 of them... How the fuck did they   get so close to us that we didn't even hear them...
One of them ushered some words in a language i never heard about and that only added to my fear
- WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?! - Josh yelled from the top of his lungs
"- We are the unknown...the darkness that surrounds you...the ones that dwell on the darkened corners of your mind... we are what you don't want...The ones that watch you in your sleep, the ones you never wish to see...but its too late for that now..."
My mind floods with fear as he muttered his last few words...
"- Nothing can save you..." 
Josh just screamed and started to run in their direction, i followed by instinct, i didn't wanna be alone there.
We ran in their direction untill we both felt a cut on our arms,but we didn't give a fuck about that, we just ran, ready to fight.
but when we felt we were near,all it took was a blink of an eye they vanished...
We didn't stop to admire the scene, we just silently thank god and ran the hell out of there as fast as we could until we both got home.
The next day we went back there, this time in the daylight, and the mirror was gone, the only thing that we saw was new there was the fresh new dolls hung on the trees with a note...
"- Don't say I didn't warn 'ya "
It has been 5 weeks since that happened... Josh is gone...
The police reports say that he has been kidnapped by some mystery guy, but i know who took him...
"They" took him...
Apparently, all these dolls that we see were people that were taken... its just a matter of time until my doll is hung to those tree's as well...

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012


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With care, Creeps